IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

9 of continuous and summative assessment is used. In Latvia there are two level exams. One level is organized by schools and another is state level. State level exams are in grade 3 (one exam), grade six (one exam) to screen the situation, grade 9 (three exams) and grade 12 (five exams).With results of exams after grade 12 students can enter higher education. Within France there has been an increase in assessment to enable teachers to monitor student progress and in second level an encourage to integrate more continues assessment Educational reform in all four countries have an emphasis on digital learning, digital literacy and inclusion. Digital learning technologies are often seen as a key enabler in facilitating inclusive models of education. In addition they are seen as key to economic growth and sustainability. Introducing these into education provides society with the skills required to succeed in a more digitally orientated economy and society and so the provision of these experiences in education is critical to the citizenship and employability of our students. Although policies are advocating the adoption of digital learning and digital literacies, the supports to enable education to enact these can vary significantly. The next section will explore this in more detail. 1.3 The role of digital learning in each countries educational system All countries have recently developed national Digital Education or digital transformation strategies. These strategies have an ambition to increase the use of digital learning in schools while developing the digital literacies of students and teachers. Many of these are based on the principals in the European Digital Education action plan 2021-2027. The support of the implementation of these strategies have varied significantly in each country with different countries focusing on different aspects. Spain has a particular focus on digital competency development within their curricular reform and competency frameworks. In addition to digital competencies at all levels they are providing intermediate and advanced digital skills to students such as coding and robotics via the school code programme 4.0. In addition they have provided funding for digital infrastructure and devices to support widespread rollout of such resources across schools as well as ensuring that 80% of teachers are digitally certified. 2 Within France there has been significant effort regarding the provision of regional digital leadership teams to support schools to integrate digital learning within their curricula. There is digital leadership network called DRANE who acts as an inspector and technical advisor for each region. In addition They have allocated digital leadership positions in all primary schools. For post primary schools there is a digital leader at regional level for each subject area as well as a digital trainer to provide in-service training. The DRANE network decide what professional learning is provided to teachers each year in the area of digital learning. In addition it sets out to provide national digital learning platforms and resources in a digital commons area for schools to use in their teaching 3 as well as a digital certification for teachers and students. Latvia have promoted the widespread integration of digital technologies into education across administration, teaching and learning, in particular digital has been identified as a means to support an inclusive educational system. Furthermore Latvia have committed to providing each student with a device to support their learning. At the moment all students starting from grade 7 are provided with personal laptops but the aim is to provide with laptops also younger students. There were professional development activities provided for 5000 teachers to ensure that they can be digital 2 Government of Spain. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise (2021) Plan for Digitalisation and Digital Skills of the Education System (Plan #DigEdu) 3 Digital Society Lab (2023) Back to school 2023: what strategy for digital education?