IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

11 and results will be available on 2027 which is too far forward to wait for the results. Educators and educational leaders are best positioned to conduct such research to inform their practice however often do not have the time or skills to do such. Effective use of digital learning also requires high quality professional learning and there is also differences between countries mandating professional learning in digital education with, only half of countries making such training compulsory either as part of Initial training or otherwise 12 13 This is important to note given that high self-efficacy is associated with teachers’ actual use of digital technology in the classroom and so developing confidence is crucial. (TALIS, 2023) From the data and research it is evident that from a policy perspective countries in the EU are identifying the importance of digital learning to the economic and societal future of their citizens. However the level of detail of policies and implementation plans varies between countries. As does the digital learning practice between countries, there are also a range of practices within countries between schools, level of education and teacher practices as you will see from the research conducted by the IDEAL future project. 1.4 The role of the teacher and educational leader in partner educational systems The teaching career traditionally has been sought after in all of the four partner countries, the profession attracted high calibre individuals that are very successful in the conventional academic system. However in recent years the profession is losing its status and attractiveness and many countries are experiencing shortages, this is due to low salary and the increasing complexity and workload associated with the role. This has led to governments to explore how best to attract people back to the teaching profession. France has put significant effort into redefining the profession with other countries exploring alternative pathways into the teaching profession. Within each country the number of teaching hours varies significantly between countries, although the role is similar consisting of teaching, administrative and support duties. These duties have always formed part of the role of the teacher, however their nature has changed significantly over the years, for example there is increased recognition of diversity in schools and so support duties have changed. Similarly with the advent of technology and the widespread access to information he teaching duties need to be redefined. There a lack of clarity with regard to specific competencies associated with this role, particularly in a contemporary society and so the profession lacks a professional profile, instead of redefining and re-envisaging the role there has been a layering of additional tasks onto existing responsibilities. 14 In Ireland efforts have been made to define the profession of education and educational leader further through their quality framework looking at our schools, which has defined statements of practice there have been a number of revisions of such documents and in the latest 2022 version there is a shift from traditional duties such as teaching and learning to a more facilitative and holistic role that supports independent learning, elicits students voice, identifies ways to bridge school and home life and develop learning environments to ensure all students are included. 15 12 EU (20203) European Education and Training Monitor 2023, Chapter 3: School Education OECD (2023) What makes students' access to digital learning more equitable? 13 European Commission / EACEA / Eurydice (2023) Structural indicators for monitoring education and aining systems in Europe – 2023: Digital competence at school. Eurydice report. Luxembourg 14 Sanchez-Tarazaga, L. and Matarranz, M., 2023. The teaching profession in European Union Education Policy. REVISTA DE EDUCACION , (399), pp.131-157. 15 DES Inspectorate (2022) Looking at our School 2022: A Quality Framework for Primary and Special Schools