IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

12 In Latvia there is also lack of teachers and main reasons are low salary, high stress level, negative societal attitude and also ongoing reforms in educational system. The government of Latvia tries to solve this problem by increasing teachers’ salary, balancing their workload, providing extra support for teachers, injecting a lot of extra money in teacher preparation. Those are quite recent steps and therefore not big changes can be observed at the moment but some positive indications show that situation can be improved in near future. The level of autonomy in the profession also differs in each partner country. In Ireland educators and educational leaders experience a high level of autonomy and can interpret and apply the curriculum using their professional judgment. In France educators and educational leaders have a lower level of autonomy than their EU counterparts and how they conduct their role is directed through the national government. 16 Within Latvia and Spain teachers have more autonomy then their French counterparts however the level of autonomy depends on the regional municipality for which the teacher works 17 18 , in some areas specific approaches to curriculum implementation are mandated and others more independence is awarded to teachers, this has significant implications for change, where changes may often be imposed on teachers, these changes can depend on the government or municipality in situ and often do not consider implications for educational professionals and the complexities they might face. The lack of inconsistency in policies, implementation supports, provision of professional learning and autonomy. As well as the absence of a professional profile can make it difficult to support systematic change with regard to the area of digital learning. This report aims to recommend a sustainable and innovative model for professional learning in the area of digital learning to support change at an international level, supporting collaboration between teachers in different countries, levels of education and contexts. 16 OECD (2018) France- Teachers and teaching conditions, primary and lower secondary education, Education GPS 17 EU (20203) European Education and Training Monitor 2023, Country Reports: Spain 18 EU (20203) European Education and Training Monitor 2023, Country Reports: Latvia