IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

16 • Development of digital social and emotional intelligence. • Using digital technologies to support young people to crowdsourcing problem solving (Anderson and Rainie,2012;#DigitalDecade4YOUth, 2021; Barriage, 2022) The research illustrates contrasting views with respect to children, parents and teacher’s perception of technology in society and the associated challenges. It poses a number of recommendations many of which concern the role of educators. However there is little consideration of how educators can lead such initiatives and the challenges they might face given the broader socio economic context. As can be seen in table 2 in section 1.2 on educational reform, serious consideration is being given into the banning or restriction of technology in schools, however technology still forms a significant part of students lives and will continue to do so through their social, personal and professional lives. A significant part of their existence is spent online and supporting critical and efficient exploitation of technology to support wellbeing, social, personal and professional aspects of lives is important. Section 3: Methodology 3.1 Overview of the methodology For this work package an exploratory mixed methods sequential design was employed. Due to the variation of practices and experiences in digital learning experiences and usage across countries, level of education and school contexts a two phased approach was used. See figure 2 Figure 2: Research Design Phase 1 was largely exploratory and sought to define and empathise with the experiences and challenges in practice. Phase 2 was associated with further understanding the extend of such challenges and the associated skills requirements with a view to prioritising these within the IDEAL Future teacher academy. It also supported the academy to adapt existing competence models and identify professional learning needs which were to be prioritised within the scope of the project 3.2 Narrative interviews Between December 2023 and February 2024 an invitation was emailed to educators and educational leaders in pre-service, primary and post primary settings in Ireland, France, Spain and Latvia with regard to understanding their experiences in digital learning. In particular participants were asked to describe the current and future challenges they face regarding embedding digital learning in their practice. In addition to email, invitations were posted on social media. In total 164 educators and educational leaders volunteered to participate. There were two interview guides one for teachers and a second for educators see appendix 1. Ethical clearance was sought from the Mary Immaculate College Research Ethics Committee (MIREC). •Interviews with 164 educators and educational leaders. •Explorinh their experiences with digital learning, including challenges and percieved skills needs Phase 1 •Survey with XX educators and educational leaders •Identifying which challenges and skills needs were of greater priority and their associated confidence level Phase 2