IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

17 In the interviews participants were asked about their beliefs about teaching and the role of digital technologies, their experiences in leading digital transformation in the areas of pedagogy, inclusion, how they integrate technology into their teaching. Interviews took between 60 and 90 minutes and were recorded and transcribed. For the narrative analysis Labov and Waletsky (1967) 23 elements of a personal narrative were used. See steps below. The purpose of the narrative analysis is to compose challenge based scenarios for professional development activities within the teacher academy. By using narrative based scenarios educators will be able to not only relate to broad context but analyse the events and elements which may impact how we lead digital learning. • Abstract- summary of what the story is about • Orientation- providing context of who, when and where. • Complicating action an event that causes a problem • Evaluation judgements on events, justification for such and the meaning that the story teller provides • Result resolution of the event or problem • Coda coming back to the present To facilitate this narrative analysis a schema was developed using Labov and Waletsky (1967) 24 and Hungs, 3C3R model of problem design to ensure the narrative was formulated into a model that facilitated learning, the please see appendix 2 For the report a thematic analysis was used. After transcription, two rounds of coding were competed using Braun and Clarkes Thematic analysis framework. See Figure 3 Figure 3: Thematic Coding Process: IDEAL Future Interviews Below is a summary of the number of themes and sub themes in each round. Coding was completed using inductive analysis, the researcher used open coding, each line was not coded but each line of 23 Labov, W. and Waletzky, J., 1997. Narrative analysis: Oral versions of personal experience. Step1:Familiarise data Step2:Inital codes Step3: Search for themes Step 4 Review themes Step5:Consolidate themes Step6:Define themes Step7:Write Up Round 1 Round 2