IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

18 the transcript was reviewed and those lines to which there was meaning for the overall research objectives was attached a coded. • In round one of coding 105 codes were generated and these were grouped into 10 themes • In round two of coding these were reviewed and consolidated into 6 themes with 28 sub themes. Any codes that has less than one reference or mention, that did not align to other themes/codes were removed. 3.3 Survey design and analysis Following the interviews, a survey was circulated via social media, invitations and networks such as the ATEE, ELNE, the ministry for education, local municipalities and education departments in each partner country. The survey identified the context of the participant and where they work, the challenges they experienced, the perceived skills needs for the sector and their confidence level in the associated skills. Questions were matrix based on a Likert scale with in some cases an ‘other’ option to allow participants to enter options were the closed options may not be relevant In total there were 29 questions, 1031 responses were received with only 539 respondents completing the survey, a completion rate of 52%. The results of the completed surveys will be reported using descriptive analysis.