IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

22 be down to my teaching style. You know, in the way I'm as time efficient as possibly can be getting through the curriculum, especially for higher level (IE P11) Overall many countries mentioned a lot of fear and anxiety in the interviews regarding technology particularly about as they do not understand the pedagogical relevance of technology and often associate it with entertainment not learning. This narrative around beliefs is evident throughout the report together with fear and anxiety about the change technology brings as well as the lack of control ‘Parents, some teachers, were afraid that used to technology ….. so if they apps or use an app to reinforce the learning concept some may be thinking they're playing games all day and they don't see the learning element.’ (IE P16) Despite the majority of teachers use technology daily or more (76%) – see figure 7. In the interviews some participants spoke about their reduced use of technology in the classroom. Figure 7: Respondents self-reported use of technology Often reasons for this was lack of confidence or the difficulty of using technology. Despite this in the surveys many respondents self-reported high confidence levels with technology (see section 4.6). This variation relates to similar differences in the EU ICT survey 2019 and the TALIS 2018 survey, discussed in section 1.3. I've actually reduced down the amount of technology. I'd say I would have used it nearly in every class. And it's maybe because, maybe it's me, maybe I don't know how to use it and the way I used to use it previously, but I just don't find it as accessible as it used to be. (IE P1) There seems to be a movement back away from maybe using some of the platforms…. And they're trying to kind of bring it back to, you know, the in person classroom. (IE P4) Those that had positive beliefs about technology expressed excitement at the future and how it has transformed their practice in terms of efficiency He himself teaches cultural educators about the possibilities of technology, participates in courses, and learns himself. The courses were well chosen because they contained concrete practical techniques that can be immediately integrated into your work. (LV 22, future teacher) It changed my life here. Instead of using going up and with the chalkboard, they pull out the device, hook it up. Straight away, you communicating with your data projector in the classroom. All the students have the notes and we can carry on from yesterday, not writing up all the notes we had The difference it can make to everybody's life and it will make it easier. It'll make it, you know, make your life easier. It'll speed up stuff. It'll make the kids enjoy everything so much. You know you'll enjoy 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Regularly throughout the teaching… Daily A few times a week Weekly Monthly Rarely Self reported use of technology