IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

24 In addition some participants particularly those in Spain spoke about the need for digital learning to support students to be included in a digital society. “Despite the many benefits that technology can bring in the educational field, it also involves facing challenges. It can be a great cost for the public administration to have to have different digital resources for families since the digital divide must be avoided. Not all families can afford the expense of devices for their children.” (Sp P28) “Definitely, ensuring the inclusion of all Students when integrating digital technologies in teaching requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the challenges of access, adaptation, teacher training, policies and student participation. It is essential to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to overcome these barriers and promote an inclusive and equitable educational environment.” (Sp P2) From the transcripts it is evident that technology enables students who traditionally would have difficulty engaging in learning to participate. Covid-19 was a big challenge for teachers, especially in rural areas, because of poor internet coverage, making it difficult to work digitally. The Director's reassurance and support to teachers in the process of learning and using technology was very important. (LV, 6 years as school principal and 25 years as educator) 5.2.2 Student centred learning A related subtheme was that of student centred learning, specifically the use of technology to personalise learning, support student led learning and offer alternative learning experiences. Participants spoke of how technology can facilitate different learning needs and allow all learners to engage, with some referencing the Universal Design for learning framework. The school has "think tanks" for students to work on creative projects outside the classroom - a media literacy club, broadcasting, photography, where students can work with different technologies. (LV 23, future teacher) You'd have different kind of learners with different needs. So you if there's an assessment we have all of the tools in there, like the readers and all of that kind of thing. We have multiple means of engagement built in as well. There's lots of links to different videos. yeah, so that's all kind of catered for diversity. (IE P8) “Well, for me the ideal experience would be for all teachers to be well trained to be able to develop digital learning at the centre, for students to have access to the necessary technologies to be able to carry out the activities that teachers propose and for families to also have knowledge about how to use the devices that we use in class and that students will also have to apply to life.” (Sp P6) “My ideal ICT experience would be a collaborative experience with practical rather than theoretical learning that could be applied to the children's daily lives.” (SP P14) In addition they described how technology can empower student led learning and to make choices about their own learning. I do ask them for their opinion most of the time they do give it. If they're doing an assignment in relation to, like if we're doing a project in science, do you want to type it? Do you want to do a video? Do you want to do a poster? They get choice in terms of what level of it they want to use and there's plenty of students who maybe don't have access to device at home and they would prefer to do pen and paper or there's plenty of students who are artistic and would prefer to do a project or there's people who prefer to speak and they would love to do a video of themselves. To do a voice over their project, (IE p3) How the learning process is organised is important. If the learner plans the learning steps and looks for resources, it ensures that there are no times when there is nothing to do. The teacher can just be present and guide the process. (LV 4)