IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

26 Lastly some discussed problems that were associated with teachers and students themselves, this was mainly concerning wellbeing and how technology impacts both their own wellbeing and their students. Theme Theme Broad contextual challenges Access and infrastructure Curriculum Finance Access to CPD Time Pace of change Practice based challenges Critical use of technology Mindset Wellbeing Table 6: Summary of sub themes under the theme of challenges 5.3.1 Access and adequate infrastructure In the interviews a large part of the discussion centred around inclusion, in all countries. Within the surveys participants were asked to rate challenges associated with digital inclusion in schools (see figure 8) Figure 8: Challenges in supporting inclusive digital learning (1=major problem; 2=problem; 3 not really a problem;4= it is not a problem In the survey the main challenge cited was lack of time to prepare (also referenced in the interviews in 4.3.3), other and the disparate skills of educators which contradicts earlier data on high levels of confidence in the area of digital skills, lack of access to infrastructure was ranked as the fourth most prevalent challenge despite this emerging as one of the key themes in the interviews. Skills is related to phase three in the levels of access in Van Dijk’s digital divide 25 26 . 25 Van Dijk, J.A.G.M., (2017). Digital divide: Impact of access. The international encyclopedia of media effects, 1, pp.1-11. 26 Van Dijk, J (1999) The Network Society: Social Aspects of New Media., Motivational Access Sage Publications, London. 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 Disparate skills levels of teachers Disparate skills level of students Access to infrastructure at school Children’s access to digital infrastructure at home Lack of access to digital content Lack of motivation to use technology regularly Limited availability of technology to enable regular use Lack of time to prepare