IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report
30 section that outlined how technology can reduce workload. There is a lack of teaching materials and time to prepare lessons using digital technologies. Also under-use of technology - for example, the interactive screen is used only as a substitute for the projector. LV 18 years of experience in the position as school principal) I suppose a lot of schools feel that there's so much technology out there and the planning can be quite difficult for them. (IE P18) “ We can’t get any more. We’re in a race after time. So, especially in this college, ……. Because we have an absolutely phenomenal workload that does not come from our course preparations, which comes from everything we are asked to do in addition to our courses. (FR P8 ) Technology was also seen to add time in terms of planning and set up time, often educators felt they needed to prepare for all eventualities, particularly low tech or unplugged teaching in addition to technology options which required complex decision making and time. it's going to take 5 minutes for this, and it's 5 minutes out of 40 minute class that I'm already restricted on time on. You know, those little things really put you off using different types of technology. (IE P1) So like if I'm planning an assessment, I need to make sure that prior to the lesson…….that I have the printed version. But I've also scheduled to share the document with them. I'm like, OK, schedule that document to be shared via e-mail at a time so that there's not too much, you know, kind of communication at the start of the exam when everyone else has got started….. I suppose the major issue with everything in teaching learning is time. So we're so busy, we're constantly making 101 decisions at once (IE P3) In many cases schools do not have access to technical support, which depends on school governance and structure. In addition the lack of professional learning or resources to provide them with the skills to evaluate the quality of resources and infrastructure and so need to be provided with these competencies. 5.3.4 Critical use of technology Within the theme or teaching and technology use in the survey the challenges in this regard were related to curriculum overload (discussed in section 4.3.6), the time aspect also relates to the element of mindset and motivation to use technology and the fear associated with technology as is evident through the interviews. This again contradicts interviews curricula were largely considered flexible enough to integrate digital learning and technologies. In addition skills were cited as the second highest rated challenge, followed by difficulties in innovating practice (again relating to the challenge associated with innovative mindset and reluctance to change – section 4.3.5), and proceeded by teacher beliefs about technology (see figure 9)
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