IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

32 addition there was a repetitive aspect to the way technology was being employed rather than adapting technology use for different lessons and subject areas. Critical thinking - there are so many materials and resources at the moment, and it's easy to get confused, because much of it seems interesting, but it's important to assess what contributes, what develops skills and knowledge at a deeper level. (LV 3 in leadership) “ Digital is the same, it’s not, it’s how, digital goes to a moment given be a plus value on my sequence. […] Yeah, what are the objectives of your sequence, how can digital be used or not, there say, well, there on this one, sincerely… and then say, well maybe that it would be good and that it would be less good… ” (FR P11). And so I believe that some of the technology experts or the teachers or the teacher educators who are in the technology, sometimes I feel that some teacher educators or teachers or teacher trainers just use that technology for their own sake because just they love It (IE P 28 ) I feel like sometimes it's a bit repetitive. It's like it's the same apps. It's the same kind of. There's a cahoot quiz. They take out their phones and they do it. I just feel like sometimes ( IE P10) Furthermore conversations yielded the need to make decision making around introducing more explicit particularly to children of why technology is being used and how it will support their learning. I think it really has to link into what you're teaching and to what the children are, but you want them to learn like it's very easy to bring in, like each iPads and classroom or 33 classes and get them to play a game that they all enjoy… maybe the children need to needs to be very clearly and maybe we need to be a bit more explicit and telling teacher the children why they're doing that game. (IE P20) In some cases teachers and students technology use has evolved over a period of time and their inherent beliefs about technology as a mode of entertainment is brought into the classroom. Questioning our socio cultural understanding of technology and its role in education is key and providing quality professional learning. 5.3.5 Mindset For many one of the key challenges of introducing digital learning technologies was mindset. This has already been referred to in some of the previous themes. However it is noteworthy to discuss this as a specific theme as mindset was a significant element of the discussion in all countries. Mindset was related to attitudes or feelings that interviewees experienced about digital learning with other colleagues. Specifically they spoke of fear around the use of technology, reluctance to change, negative experiences colleagues had encountered and a lack of collective interest or culture for innovation. Resistance or reluctance to change emerged as a critical element of mindset, this was often associated with fear, sometimes this resistance was due to culture or leadership. I think they're afraid to change, and they're afraid in case like, what do I do if it doesn't work? And I think that's the fear of the unknown or the fear that their students might know more than them. Especially like I don't know, maybe with AI and stuff like that (IE P15) (As a Principal) “I have teachers who are already a year away from retirement and for them to feel that one more thing to learn can be very challenging and very stressful”. (Sp P35) Resistance towards change and like sometimes it's if the atmosphere in school isn’t right, like there can be disagreements and sure that doesn't lead to any change, you know like we'll say internal politics or someone at the top sitting up right in there for example, writing a digital plan and You know, I developed this plan, I I'm leading here. I want to hand it out and everyone implements it, that not conducive to anything that. That that's the disaster written happen. (IE P26)