IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

35 educational context or setting. 30 This follows a ban on mobile phone usage in schools in 2020 that was shown to have little or no academic input 31 . As you can see there is a significant fear about technology and wellbeing from the perspective of teachers and student wellbeing which may lead to reluctance to change or use technology. Participants also discussed the impact of technology on their own wellbeing in particularly being contacted outside of school hours and how their digital footprint can be accessed impinging on their personal lives WhatsApp blurs the boundaries between free time and work a bit, because it feels like you can always write. Now, in meetings, the majority of parents want to connect digitally. Better to do all the activities remotely. For this reason, there seems to be less parental activity. (LV 5 years of experience, in-service teacher) Some people forget and contact you on a Saturday or Sunday. And that's the problem like that's your personal device. That's the thing with the phone. The phone has become like between your emails and everything. There's very little switching off. (IE P 1) People have to set boundaries as well in terms of what they're willing to put in outside of school time. ……people….. have other duties that they have to be responsible for, so they might not have the time to reply. (IE P3) 5.3.7 Pace of change The final challenge discussed was that of the challenges experienced through technology, participants spoke of problems associated with the pace of change of technology, this can cause overwhelm which was mentioned to earlier in the report. despair because the digital world is evolving so fast that it is impossible to "keep up", because what was relevant yesterday is obsolete today. (LV in-service teacher 5 years) I suppose when you're dealing with digital learning is the fact that it's so dynamic like what you put up on line today could be gone tomorrow…. You constantly have to be upskilling and that's kind of like where AI is at the moment….. So the biggest challenge is was is the dynamic nature of digital of the of digital, that's what it's going to change. (IE P18) I know that changes because technology is changing all the time….. it's sometimes it can be impossible for everything to remain up to date. (IE P21) And I suppose it is constantly changing. We're trying to keep up with it all the time. I could find a perfectly good app today and there could be a better one tomorrow. Change is something that we're resistant to us humans anyway. So are we really going TO keeping up to date with all the apps, like what is available, what's the best way to do this? (IE P3) 5.3.8 Curricular challenges In Spain and Latvia participants spoke of the curricular challenges of integrating digital learning into the curricula. In particular they spoke of the high level efforts focused on integrating digital competencies into the curricula but the lack of guidelines with regard to how this is done. Again this speaks to the context discussed with regard to digital learning policies across Europe and the lack of implementation and guidelines to enact these. Those interviews discussed the difficulties in aligning digital competencies to educational goals and curricular standards. They also spoke about the 30 The Guardian newspaper, 2023 Switching off: Sweden says back-to-basics schooling works on paper | Sweden | The Guardian, August 2023 31 Kessel, D., Hardardottir, H.L. and Tyrefors, B., 2020. The impact of banning mobile phones in Swedish secondary schools. Economics of Education Review , 77 , p.102009.