IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

38 The objective of the IDEAL Future is to leverage from the data to develop a sustainable and innovative model of professional learning in the area of digital leadership in education. This will be explored further in the work package 3 report on a pedagogical model for the project. 5.4.3 Supporting practical application Lastly to support innovation interviewees contemplated the role of the provision of a supportive practical environment where experimentation, opportunities to experience success and patience is key. In addition the provision of an environment in which everyone is heard is important. The flexibility in curricula in facilitating this was also noted within Spain, although curricular challenges were noted earlier, it is important to balance flexibility and support with regard to integrating digital learning technologies. “We have a media library, so it is true that we have many resources, but many times you get lost in the planning because you do not have real physical time to be there.” (Sp P39) “I think it takes a lot of critical thinking, adaptability and flexibility.” (Sp P35) “The curriculum may become obsolete by including technologies; this may involve identifying opportunities to incorporate digital tools in different areas.” (Sp P2) Modelling experimentation and trying things in practice was discussed by many. Several leaders spoke about their approach to leading innovation and how they made it explicit that they were trailing different approaches and that changes were not fixed. Modelling such behaviour leads to a culture in which experimentation becomes the norm. it's just a really like giving things a go and get buy in from the teacher themselves and from others. I think having that kind of like environment in the school where truing things is encouraged and it's OK to get something wrong but give it a try and if it works great. If not, we can change. (IE P26) So sometimes I made mistake and then hey, that's a mistake or we can change it like that. (IE P28) We need real, practical examples of how lessons can be delivered with technology, such as how to film and process videos, where to store them. How to conduct lessons with large numbers of students in the classroom, i.e. under real conditions. (LV, in-service teacher 2 years) In addition being patient and not expecting significant change initially can scaffold innovation, providing opportunities for success and positive experience. You know baby steps when they're starting. I'm not saying we were perfect in any way. We were learning as we were going. There was a lot of pitfalls. I was like, let's learn and let's see what avenue we go down and if see that that might work. If not we can go back and try something else. (IE P26) if they experience success with an app…its huge…. And as time goes on and teachers skins develop and their level of experience develops, then they gain confidence. (IE P25) For those who resist technology or who are not confident it is important that they are represented on any digital learning teams and are listened to. Not that they dominate the narrative but that their experiences are heard and the rationale for their opinion is understood and taken into consideration Its important everybody feels that they can be heard on the team. I think the most important member of the team is the person with the least experience, because they can roll you back to tell, you know, like they're that's not stuff you're trying to bring in now…(IE P18) As you can see supporting innovation is complex and primarily centred around relationships, support, encouragement and patience. Later in the skills section we will see the discussion around interpersonal skills and attitudes and how this relates to innovation.