IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

40 it's about involving people as far as I can see, getting people like when people involved to feel ownership of it (IE P26) it's giving everyone the feeling of ownership and how it will benefit them and it's having their say finding out what is. (IE P4) In empowering not only teachers but students and parents giving everyone a voice was identified as important. Give all the members kind of an area to give their voice and their opinion on it. I do think there's a need to do that regularly. Just because it's so, everything's changing so quickly that and as well, because we're such a growing school like views. Opinions can change from year. (IE P2) Having students voice, I suppose as well, is a really important thing as a leader, just to kind of make sure that we are giving them what they want. They like getting them on board explaining why we're doing it the way we're doing it or teaching them the skills that they need for the future (IE P4) To enable people to voice their opinions it is important to have strong relationships as a basis, and so one of the key duties of the digital leader is to foster relationships. You know, there was a teacher who was struggling with the digital technology during station teaching, having time to go in and just communicate with them. Sit down with them….And if they have that relationship and they trust you. (IE P16) I think having strong relationships with w the school community. Yeah, because if you don't have good relationships as a foundation, it's very hard to lead any level of change or any level of transformation within the school. (P25) The headteacher needs to be able to build a team of people who understand how to manage digital learning - both technology mentors and technical people. (LV, in-service teacher 7 years) Through these interpersonal acts buy-in is fostered in terms of change I would be ready to introduce a new technology if there was another like-minded person who was in favour, but if everyone was against, I wouldn't take my idea any further. (LV 28 future teacher with teaching experience for 1 year) teacher buy in and teacher involvement and, you know, is in that they're actually interested and want be on board and the digital buddy system has worked really, really well, in empowering others (IE P2) 5.5.2 Planning Participants ware asked in the survey to identify the challenges associated with planning digital learning in their school, in particular investment and infrastructure was the most challenging to plan for and this relates to the challenges associated with finance and access to infrastructure or resources (see figure 10). In addition lack of training was cited as the second most pressing challenge, this came up in the interviews in some countries. Followed by lack of technical support and lack of government support, this relates to the context section that highlighted the difference in policies and implementation plans with regard to digital learning in many EU countries which has made it difficult for educational leaders to plan and integrate digital learning in their individual contexts. 5