IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

41 Figure 10: Challenges in planning digital learning (1=major problem; 2=problem; 3 not really a problem;4= it is not a problem The role of the digital leader in planning the school wide roll out of technology was evident in many of the interviews particularly with regard to creating a vision, budgeting, evidence based planning and simplifying information for the school community. Having a clear vision and articulating the rationale and importance for such was discussed throughout the interviews Being clear about the reasons for it. This is why we are doing it. think once the teachers themselves know that like and you're saying this is important, and they can see the reason why it is important. But at the same time, like you know, you're showing them how to tie in different things, that's, so important. (IE P26) A leader needs to be one step ahead - leading the way for teachers, important self-directed learning skills, the ability to encourage colleagues. (LV 6 years school leader and 25 years educator) what works well is if I'm if I'm able to give them the reasons why so the why questions deal with them early on….. I suppose a clear vision for where they want to go with it. (IE P27) In addition articulating to the staff about how it will support or enhance their practice is important, to enable a leader to do this they need time to prepare and critically think about technology and the role it plays in the ethos of the school. I think I think when it comes to vision and technology, I think it needs to be very clear as the teacher as to whether it's gonna actually support the learning objective in that that you're aiming to achieve. (IE P21) The head teacher's vision of what is needed for more effective learning, weighing up the potential for real application. The Director regularly observes lessons, makes suggestions on how to make lessons more effective using technology. (LV, 6 years as principal and 25 as educator) I think to have the big picture, the vision, yeah, they have the vision for what it's going to look like and how the technology would actually support teaching in their practice. (IE P25) Central to preparing a vision and demonstrating the impact of technology is evidence based decision making and piloting. Using data gathered in pilots or questionnaires to inform the vision and planning ensures it is based on the needs of the whole school community resulting in greater buy in. 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 Resistance from Parents Lack of leadership support from government or other… Restrictive school or government policies regarding… Resistance from Teachers Beliefs of parents about technology use Beliefs of teachers about technology use Difficulties in planning infrastructure and investment Difficulties planning how to use technology for… Lack of Training Lack of technical support Lack of leadership support in school