IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

42 Schools and preschools also use ‘Edurio’ questionnaires to survey both parents and teachers about their cooperation with the educational institution. (The anonymous questionnaires ensure that everyone involved in the educational process is involved and can express their views anonymously.) (LV in-service teacher for 18 years) Yes, we would have piloted and then we kind of would got seen what the students thought of it like and the impact on their engagement and stuff like that… So that would have been kind of where the Chromebooks came from, but I suppose we're making decisions. (IE P18) I suppose the feedback that's gathered from that questionnaire then then informs what targets we're going to concentrate on for the following academic year (IE P3) Evaluating the use of technology was deemed critical within the leadership role to demonstrate impact and facilitate evidence based discussion making “It is important to have effective mechanisms to evaluate the impact of innovative practices in student learning and of course, adjust them as necessary” (Sp P18) “Before implementing any technology in the classroom, I will also consider how to evaluate its impact on my students' learning.” (Sp P18) In particular linking digital technology planning to school planning can reduce staff resistance as quality assurance models such as self-evaluations are often positively received by staff. This ensures that digital learning is not an additional but an integrated part of the school planning and improvement process, the focus is on using technology for enhancement and improvement adding value rather than using it for the sake of doing so. Obviously the school self-evaluation and SP there was a huge openness amongst teachers and they could see that, you know, looking at your plan at whatever you're doing and we evaluating is with really, really positive. (IE P21) Technology helps in the management of a large school - organising the school system. Online environments for document circulation, data extraction and analysis - for example, teacher evaluation. Lesson plans, teacher evaluations are all hosted in a shared environment. The environment and the system are continuously updated. (LV 18 years in school leadership) 5.5.3 Culture This theme is not new and has been discussed quite significantly in other parts of the report, leaders spoke about their role in facilitating culture, again ensuring voices are heard, supporting teachers and encouraging collaboration were factors that influenced culture I suppose that that comes from the top down, so there is there is the kind of the culture in schools, probably very important. I think staff meetings where people are allowed speak is a huge one. (IE P21) By the time I left, they were using it and more open to collaborating with other teachers as a result. Yeah, it's a good thing. It was a it was definitely a culture change in terms of how technology was used to support teacher learning and as an overall culture changes thy were it more exposed to collaborating. (IE P25) 5.5.4 Operational Lastly operational or administrative tasks associated with the role of the leader were mentioned in some interviews. Leaders were often responsible for developing policies associated with digital learning and managing resources I’m more so now in the area of managing resources and. Budgets and ordering of resourcing rather than the actual teaching and learning element of it. (IE P2) One of the things was to make sure that there was like a digital policy within each department, so to make sure everyone had a part Uhm, section within their subject plan on digital …. (IE P7)