IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

43 Funding from the local government, as well as from various projects the school applies for. Planning for technology provision is done in two ways - bottom-up and top-down, or both teachers coming up with their own initiatives and the management's vision of what is needed. (LV in-service teacher 3 years) These tasks were necessary to facilitate the day to day use of digital learning technologies and to remove barriers or uncertainty associated with usage, which were challenges cited earlier in this. 5.6 Skills In the surveys the majority of respondents self-reported as being confident or very confident with their overall digital skills (see figure 11) Figure 11: Self-reported confidence with overall digital skills In the interviews, when discussing the skills required to lead digital learning in schools, discussion was predominantly focused on transferable or soft skills, digital teaching, digital skills mindset and leadership. Many of the skills participants described align and complement earlier discussions in the report. An overarching theme of skill discussed within France was that of digital cultural capital, this not only encompasses digital skills but also attitudes, use and literacies associated with digital technologies that are necessary to participate in a digital society 32 . Many of the sub themes presented in this theme span these areas and not only support those to exploit digital technologies for learning but also are lifelong skills to enable them to engage in a contemporary society of which digital forms a key part. 32 Feng, S. and Tan, C.Y., 2024. Toward conceptual clarity for digital cultural and social capital in student learning: Insights from a systematic literature review. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications , 11 (1), pp.1-15. 2% 20% 44% 33% Low confidence Neutral Confident Very confident