IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

44 Theme Sub themes Transferable ability to form and nurture relationships, specifically empathy and collaboration innovative and creative, digital financial literacy and problem solving, Teaching critical digital pedagogical, embedding technology into teaching, integrating technology into teaching Digital AI, Coding, general digital skills Attitudes mindset Adaptability, patience, risk taking, self- efficacy Leadership planning, creating a vision, nurturing a learning culture, leading change, modelling good practice Table 9: Summary of sub themes and codes under the theme of skills 5.6.1 Transferable/soft skills Within the surveys respondents reported high levels of confidence in their transferable digital skills (See figure 12) – with 73% reporting feeling confident or very confident. Figure 12: Self-reported confidence levels of transferable digital skills The transferable skills portrayed in the narratives were centred around the ability to form and nurture relationships, specifically empathy and collaboration. In addition participants spoke of the need for leaders to be innovative and creative while at the same time balancing more practical transferable skills such as digital financial literacy and problem solving. Most important qualifications are flexibility, adaptability, communication, diplomacy, discipline. The ability to visualise and verbalise the purpose of the whole school is important. Clearly define the purpose for which different technologies and apps will be procured? Ability to question (disagreeable) government and administration decisions that may not always be well thought out as well as empathy. (LV in-service teacher 3) In the interviews people often tried to understand other peoples perspectives and were conscious of the emotions associated with change and digital learning. Some noted that there was a lack of focus on this and there was a need to develop emotional intelligence. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Low confidence Neutral Confident Very confident