IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

50 Figure 15: Digital competencies: importance v Confidence level (1=very important/very confident; 4=not important/not confident) Within the interviews, Artificial Intelligence was mentioned a number of times, particularly general use of AI and understanding how it will influence teaching going forward. One of the challenges of the future is artificial intelligence. Students are blaming teachers and the school system - why learn when AI can provide the answer? AI needs to be integrated into the learning process, but it needs to be done intelligently. (LV in-service teacher 3 years) But I don't know, does anyone actually fully understand what AI is, what it's capable? Of how it is beneficial to us, but how also it can be dangerous towards teaching and learning, but I think it's something that's needed (IE P2) AI is such a big thing for the future. UM, I would be saying that's where I'd be looking out for training in myself. Get to get more savvy with it to be like closer to being the expert on it, or at least the school expert (IE P4) Training regarding using AI to facilitate teacher planning and inclusion was also identified as critical, this is important given the earlier discussion regarding teacher workload and increasingly complexity of the role of the educator and educational leader need to understand AI because it is our future. It is a tool that, if used correctly, can make work easier. It also improves students' ability to ask the right questions. Artificial intelligence facilitates not the learning process, but the results. (LV in-service teacher 2 years) But I think one thing that we're starting to see is now is people realizing the Gen Ai capabilities. So you know, magic teaching magic school. You know AI or chat, CBT or using those kinds of tools for lesson planning. (IE P30) 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 Technical Troubleshooting and Problem solving Assistive technology/ Developing a digital identity for your school Data protection and online safety Data or learning analytics Skills in Artificial intelligence Information literacy Digital content creation Critical decision making regarding choosing… Learning space design (digital and physical) Coding and computational thinking Gap Level of Importance Level of Confidence