IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

52 Be able to adapt to the situation, e.g. if Working as an 'emergency' at all times, the teacher must be able to restrain him/herself and be able to problem-solve. (LV, future teacher 25) Open minds is probably the main thing. Like, it's not like you're saying we need somebody to use every aspect technology. (IE P23) Most important is for a leader to be adaptable, to be flexible. You have to be open to learning the new technology and moving forward with it. (IE P5) like how well able are they to innovate their practice on the fly or as needed or adapt to different situations because obviously they have to go to different kind of environments and stuff like that (IE P30) Due to the resistance to change and also the fear and difficulties others face regarding adopting digital learning patience was highlighted as being critical, it was noted that it can be difficult to develop this quality particularly for those who are passionate about the area and can see the potential, they may want to implement things quickly. This is strongly correlated with being empathetic which is outlined in the transferable skills section Patience. Patience. Definitely. What else? Patience. And it's tough one because like timing is so tight (IE P7) But it’s actually a skill is patience and that can be very hard when you want to roll something out in the school and you want to rolled out tomorrow (IE P18) Lastly interviewees spoke about the need to develop a risk taking mindset and self-efficacy or confidence in their own ability. It was noted that this should be evidence based, seeing this as a learning experience is critical as well as making it explicit that you are trying something and taking a risk and wanting to learn from it. This can remove the stigma associated with having to have a perfectly working solution for everything as with digital learning this is not possible. This may require a shift to the teacher becoming a learner, and a more democratic educational environment where the teacher and students learn together due to the pace of change of technology. They also need a quality of kind of experimentation in that like, you know, not being afraid to fail, try things with classes. Test things out first. See how you get on. Make the mistakes, learn from them, and then being able to pass that on to other colleagues and stuff (IE P7) Make mistakes. And that's OK. Like it's and you don't do them to hurt anybody. It's just in order to innovate. Sometimes you have to take risks. And own it. And you did it for the right reason. (IE P12) think a lot of it is probably incidental and only learn through doing and through making the mistakes and whatever. (IE P19) So sometimes I made mistake and then hey, that's a mistake or we can change it like that. So that's the kind of mindset, again, mindset, displaying your mindset. (IE P28) 5.6.5 Leadership The last set of skills discussed was those of leadership, the skills cited and described by the participants was similar to those outlined in the earlier section on leading digital learning (section 4.5), skills in planning, creating a vision and policy provision. situation, to be able to assess the results, to what extent technology contributed to the goal, and to what extent it may have been a hindrance and should not be used. (LV future teacher 28) “Some policies could be technological equity initiatives.” (Sp P15) “It is also essential to provide educators with the training and support necessary to effectively use technologies in inclusive teaching, such as taking into account policies and guidelines and the inclusion