IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

53 of student voice, as it is essential to involve them in this process of integrating digital technologies into the classroom.” (Sp P2) In addition nurturing a learning culture, leading change as well as modelling good practice were central to the area of digital leadership. I suppose that they would model the practice that if you're going to be leading it, then as the leader. (IE P2) Educators need to be able to see the overarching purpose of technology, to be able to assess the “On the other hand, digital leaders who lack communication skills, resistance to change, or empathy may face difficulties in gaining support and the participation of your team.” (Sp P18) “We must offer training and support for both teachers and Students. We must formulate inclusive and participatory policies that aim to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers. And we must continually monitor and evaluate technology in the classroom.” (Sp P41) In addition there was several references to ethics, many of these in the context of AI. AI has brought ethics into the centre of the technology debate and although this has been an issue for a long time it is really only coming to the surface recently and so it is something that needs to be embedded throughout digital learning, particularly given concerns regarding teacher and student wellbeing, the need to be interpersonal and human centric and also the whole issue of climate change. I don't know if they know about ethical consequences and stuff like that. (IE P15) For example like if you the AI ethical guidelines in this and I went into school tomorrow, I said, you know what I am going to ask the teachers in school to use them and tell them do you know what, this is exactly what I heard. Yeah, you've lost your room before you even start. (IE P26) Within the surveys again there was a gap in levels of importance of skills and confidence level. Whereby in all leadership skills self-reported confidence was lower than the level of importance (see figure 16 Similar to the interviews the most important leadership skill was the ability to develop a learning culture. Followed by building relationships, supporting collaboration and creating a clear vision. Those with the lowest confidence level were Those skills with the lowest self-reported confidence was digital procurement Followed by Digital financial literacy, legislation related to online contexts and digital planning The skills with greatest gap between importance and confidence were digital financial literacy, legislation, digital planning and skills to develop a digital strategy.