IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

56 Professional learning Up to date professional learning Ensuring professional learning keeps up with the pace of change of technology Spain Curricular change/ Critical use of technology Integrating into the curricula How to support educators to make pedagogical shifts in their teaching and integrate digital skills into ‘busy’ curricula Spain Access Infrastructure and technical support How to ensure infrastructure is up to date and provision of reliable technical support Spain Wellbeing/Inclusion Digital citizenship and online safety How to support teachers and students to be ethical and responsible digital citizens while protecting their safety Spain Table 10: Summary of challenges experienced by educators and educational leaders associated with leading digital learning in partner countries 6.2 Recommendations for the IDEAL Future digital hub It is recommended that the digital hub provides a digital space to facilitate collaborative and practical professional learning, providing opportunities for learners to share resources and practice and learn from and with each other. It should be a democratic space that allows participants ownership of their professional learning journeys and balances individual learning needs with collaborative learning opportunities. In addition it should be a place in which a community can grow and collaboration can be sustained long term. Below is a summary of the recommended functions of the platform. Function Explanation Identify learning goals Users should be able to identify learning goals for themselves either via competency based framework or a reflective activity or both Recommended learning pathways Based on the users learning goals, level of competence, a curated individual learning path of recommended activities and content should be made Reflective learning Users should be able to reflect on their own experiences, identity and beliefs regarding digital learning and technology. They should be promoted with questions to understand their beliefs about digital technology, their role in a digital learning environment and how these influence their behaviours and practices regarding technology, how they use technology to teach and learn and why Model good practice The platform should model best practice in the area of digital learning, all features should be fully accessible using the Web accessibility guidelines. Inclusion was mentioned as a required characteristic of professional learning in the interviews Multilevel Users should be provided with a list of learning activities to engage in based on their goals, these should range form collaborative, practice based, reflective and should encourage experimentation (more details on these are available in the report for WP3: Pedagogical model) and meet the needs identified in the interviews Sharing and mutual benefit, celebration of success Users should be able to share practice, examples of their work, resources, lesson plans. This will keep the community dynamic and up to date Foster a sense of community and recognition among users by highlighting teachers' contributions, achievements, and success stories. Showcase exemplary projects, innovative practices, and collaborative efforts