IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

3 Recommendations To address the identified challenges, the report recommends the creation of a digital environment designed to facilitate collaborative and practical professional learning as well as opportunities to share practice. Key features of this learning environment • Adapting the current DigCompEdu framework to incorporate transversal skills, ethical skills and leadership skill as outlined in the report. • Individual Learning Pathways : The survey illustrated that level of digital skills of educators is disparate and varied. A professional learning model needs to consider the various levels and provide individual learning pathways based on their competence level. Therefore, providing personalized learning paths based on users' goals, required skills and their associated competency levels. • Reflective Learning : Encouraging users to reflect on their experiences, beliefs, and practices related to digital learning and technology. • Modelling Good Practice : Ensuring the platform adheres to best practices in digital learning, including accessibility and inclusivity. • Collaborative and human centred - Opportunities for users to share practice, provide peer feedback, observe each other’s practice, visit other contexts and collaboratively develop and share resources and solve problems should be supported. • Multilevel Engagement : Offering a variety of learning activities that promote collaboration, experimentation, and reflective practice based on their level of competence. • Resource Sharing : Facilitating the sharing of resources, lesson plans, and best practices among educators. • Community Building : Fostering a sense of community and recognition through the celebration of success stories and exemplary projects. • Continuous and sustained: The digital learning environment should support sustained professional learning engagement over time. It should encourage communities to develop and grow. Wengers theory of legitimate peripheral participation should be considered as a theoretical frame for building communities, in which newcomers evolve into experts and then long time members. This will sustain a collaborative community over time. Conclusion The WP2 report underscores the critical need for targeted professional development and systemic support to enhance digital leadership skills among educators. By addressing the identified challenges and implementing the recommended features of the digital hub and professional learning the IDEAL Future project aims to empower educators to lead effectively in the digital age, ultimately transforming educational practices and outcomes.