IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

59 6.3 Recommendations of components of professional learning design Within the interviews participants suggested a variety of professional learning types and characteristics for their desired model of professional learning. Below is a list of recommendations for the pedagogical model (WP3) based on the interviews Characteristic of pedagogical model Explanation Individual and agentic Users should be able to, reflect on their own experiences and their broader contextual beliefs about technology and how it impacts how they use it, from this they should identify learning goals and have ownership over these. It should empower people to make changes to their practice. There should be individual instruction to tailor to the needs of students Inclusive Considers the UDL model of multiple means of representation, users can choose how they want to engage in learning and also supports voice and choice. There are multiple perspectives, and learners have a choice and ownership over learning Continuous and sustained Users should be encouraged to continue to engage in the platform and sustained engagement, community development and professional learning over time should be encouraged within the platform. Wengers theory of legitimate peripheral participation should be considered as a theoretical frame for building communities, in which newcomers evolve into experts and then long time members. This will sustain a collaborative community over time Experimental During the application of learning, participants should be encouraged to experiment with different approaches, where possible it should support small success, where success is not achieved reflection on the reasons why and opportunities to improve practice should be identified Collaborative and connection Opportunities for users to share practice, provide peer feedback, observe each other’s practice, visit other contexts and collaboratively develop and share resources and solve problems should be supported Critical Participants should be encouraged to continually consider the broader macro, meso and micro context of which digital learning technologies in situated and contemplate these throughout their professional learning experience Reflective practice and continuous improvement Foster a culture of reflective practice and continuous improvement among teachers by providing opportunities for self-reflection, peer observation, and feedback. Encourage teachers to engage in critical reflection on their teaching practices, identify areas for growth, and pursue ongoing professional development to enhance their effectiveness as educators. Experiential, experimental practical Where possible adopt a hands on approach that encourages participants to apply and test concepts in a practical context and reflect on the impact Self-efficacy Focus on building confidence of teachers- high self-efficacy is associated with teachers’ actual application of digital technology in the classroom and so developing confidence is crucial. (TALIS, 2023) Table 14: Recommended Characteristics of pedagogical model 6.4 Recommendations for learning content and activity development In addition the interviews yielded the need for a variety of skills, attitudes and behaviours that were central to the application of digital learning approaches within educational contexts. In addition there was emphasis on the application of learning to practice and the need for practice orientated and collaborative learning activities. Opportunities to view or observe ‘good’ practice was discussed