IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

60 quite frequently particularly with those in other schools. Therefore a number of recommendations have been made for the learning activities and content Recommendation Explanation Focus on competency development Learning activities will be centred around not just skills development but the broader interpretation of competency that supports the practical skills, attitudes, mindset and soft skills associated with the application of digital learning in context. Therefore it is recommended to amend the Digicompedu framework to meet the needs identified in the survey and interviews. Opportunities to observe good practice Learning activities should be designed with best practice in mind, including UDL principles, instructional design principles and design thinking Interdisciplinary Learning activities should ensure learning represents multiple disciplines and voices to ensure all perspectives are understood. Including those that are resistant to technology, have difficulties accessing or using technology Support and structure practical application of learning Each learning activity should provide structured opportunities to encourage the application of learning to practice and the reflection on the impact of this on the users practice as well as sharing these experiences Practical resources Where possible each competency area and level should have practical resources for the users to use Choice Where possible there should be at least 3-4 learning activities for the user to choose from to engage with Collaborative Users should be encouraged to make connections and work with others within the learning activities, activities such as sharing practice, school visits, peer observation, co creation of resources were all identified as areas in which interviewees feel that educators and educational leaders should benefit Recognition In the survey outlined in report the pedagogical model (WP3). The need for recognition of learning varied significantly between certificate of completion, accreditation and career progression. All learning activity blocks should award at least a certificate of completion to provide a record of learning. Table 15: Recommendations for learning activities and content Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.