IDEAL Future Work Package 2 Report

64 Probing questions: Skills in addition to digital, what qualities did digital leaders have that worked or did not work. Why? Are any skills missing in educational leadership contexts? why are these missing? Why have they not been developed? 7. What skills do you feel are required in the FUTURE to lead digital learning in your individual contexts and why? Probing questions: What do you envisage the future of digital learning, transformation and innovation in the future to be like and what skills do educators and leaders need to support change Infrastructure 8. How do you a plan what technology to use in your teaching? What influences your decisions and what difficulties have you encountered when planning to date in? Professional Development experiences 9. Tell us about your experiences of engaging in professional development that has supported innovation, change or transformation in your practice? Probing question: Tell us about professional development experience that directly impacted your practice/leadership? Who contributed to that experience? How? When and how did it impact your practice? What was most successful about that strategy and why ? 10. In an ideal world with no constraints what would be your ideal professional development experience be like to enable you to lead digital transformation and digital learning? Probing How would it be delivered, who would you collaborate with, what would you learn. How would you work with others, how would it transfer to practice, how would the link between learning and practice work. What skills would you have at the end of it