Work Package 3 Literature Review

learning. They will discuss with peers, students and other stakeholders about their experiences with digital learning to date, empathize with these and adapt their practice based on this dialog, observations of their own experimentation and reflection exchange to become digital pedagogical leaders Leadership Develop critical thought leaders in digital learning leadership. They will question the adequacy of contemporary digital and pedagogical practices and challenge current systems, technologies and processes regarding their feasibility to support contemporary education needs. They will support a culture of innovative practice within and beyond their own context and within their organizations act as an advisor and sounding board for new ideas regarding digital learning. They will have the ability to collaborate with organizations at national and international levels both in education and beyond to develop novel pedagogical and professional practices within education. Supporting those to plan and actively collaborate on projects and problems regarding digital learning across the sector, conduct action-based research to address such and disseminate Table 6: Pedagogical Pathways Descriptors for Data extraction 3.4.4 Phase 4: Analysis and Reporting From the interviews and surveys the need for a multilevel, inclusive and user centred pedagogical model is evident. In addition, the research highlighted that there are disparate competence levels of teachers across Europe ranging from a lack of knowledge of the potential of technology and negative inherent beliefs of such, the lack of opportunities to apply learning in practice to deepen their understanding and the lack of opportunities to lead systematic change due to cultural and mindset issues. The research highlighted the need for a multi-level model of professional learning. In the initial screening it was apparent that there are a wide range of professional learning models that were successful and that often these were associated with different teacher's experiences. The data was extracted into individual records for each article using the data extraction table in Table 5. A thematic analysis of each of the characteristics of the study and professional learning pathways was conducted and consolidated into an excel spreadsheet which was analysed using descriptive statistics. From this the position paper will formulate a pedagogical model for each level of competence and recommend different pedagogical approaches that successfully support the user in transitioning to the next level of competence 4 Integrated literature review This section will give an overview of the search results, the characteristics of the studies analysed as well as the theoretical frameworks they were based on and associated characteristics of professional learning that lead to impact, change or digital transformation.