Work Package 3 Literature Review

4.1 Workflow In total four databases were searched Academic Search Complete; Business Source Complete; Education source; ERIC; EBSCO using the search terms outlined in section 3.3. A total of 1, 971 articles were found. Of these 37 were duplicates. The remaining 1, 934 went through an initial screening of titles and abstracts using the screening criteria in 3.4.1. In this process 1491 articles were excluded, and 443 articles were fully screened. From the full screening stage (In which full articles were reviewed using the screening criteria) 265 articles were excluded. In total 178 articles were analysed for the integrated literature review and were part of the extraction stage. See Figure 2. Figure 2: Summary of workflow of integrated review 4.2 Study characteristics The number of studies in professional learning and innovation/change/digital transformation has increased exponentially over the past ten years -peaking in 2021. It is important to note that COVID had a significant impact on the number of articles being published in digital leaning and professional learning. (see figure 3)