Work Package 3 Literature Review

Figure 3: Studies published by year between 2013-2023 Many studies were US based, followed by international or cross-country studies and thirdly studies in Australia. (see figure 4) Figure 4: Studies by country Qualitative studies dominated the literature followed by mixed methods. There was only one experimental study in the articles that were screened (see Table 7). This data is reflective of the discipline of the research which is education or social science based. Of those articles the average Qualitative study had a sample of 42 with mixed studies having an average sample of 72. As expected, Quantitative studies averaged significantly higher. Type of study Number of publications Type of study Average of Sample Size Experimental 1 Experimental 4 Mixed 56 Mixed 72 Qual 101 Qual 42 Quant 20 Quant 2428 Total 178 Total average 319 Table 7: Types of study and sample size Of the studies the majority impacted the participants knowledge deepening level of proficiency in that those that engaged with the professional learning discussed resulted in the ability to adapt 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Total studies per year Total