Work Package 3 Literature Review

Interconnected model of professional growth and other models such as Rodgers Diffusion of Innovation theory 10 , mentored innovation model, 11 teacher centred systematic reform 12 etc were also considered within studies. As the studies were about professional learning for change, transformation and impact it is expected that these models would inform many of the studies. The broader context of these studies in professional learning and change in education will be discussed in Section5: Discussion Theoretical frame Number of studies None 90 TPACK 15 Communities of Practice/Communities of Inquiry/Learning communities 13 Interconnected model of professional growth (IMPG) 6 Change/innovation theories (other than IMPG) 6 Social learning/network theory/networked learning 6 Design based research 5 Schon reflective learning 4 Cognitive apprenticeship, social cognition, social constructivism 4 Learning culture/organisational learning 2 Technology acceptance model 2 Culture context theory 2 Identity formation 2 Other 21 Total 178 Table 9: Summary of theoretical frameworks informing the study 4.4 Characteristics of Professional Learning Regarding the characteristics of professional learning that support change, transformation or impact practice an analysis of studies under the categories of Knowledge Awareness, Knowledge Deepening and Leadership were constructed. An overview of these descriptors used for the analysis is available in section 3.4.3. One of the characteristics explored was who do teachers collaborate with during their professional learning. This varied between those at different levels of competency. For those engaging with learning at the level of knowledge awareness collaboration was within their own organisation or international – note many of the international research was around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and so this may have been international collaboration driven by individual's interest. In addition, this cohort engaged in more individual learning. In comparison those at the knowledge deepening level of proficiency engaged in more collaborative professional learning across their own organisations, locally or nationally. 10 Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). Free Press. 11 Kárpáti, A., & Dorner, H. (2008). Mentored innovation model in teacher training using two virtual collaborative learning environments. In J. Zumbach, N. Schwartz, N. Seufert, & L. Kester (Eds.), Learning and Instruction with Computers, Beyond Knowledge: The legacy of competence meaningful computer-based learning environments (pp. 29–41). Wien: Springer Verla 12 Gess-Newsome, J., Southerland, S. A., Johnston, A., & Woodbury, S. (2003). Educational reform, personal practical theories, and dissatisfaction: The anatomy of change in college science teaching. American Educational Research Journal, 40(3), 731-767.