Work Package 3 Literature Review

Finally, those engaging in the leadership proficiency level were more likely to engage in professional learning nationally, with students, industry and other external partners. This aligns to research that highlights those with a greater social network are more likely to innovate. 13 14 15 See table 10 Type of collaboration Knowledge awareness Knowledge Deepening Leadership Cross org industry partner;Uni Partner 2% 1% 0% Cross org local 10% 22% 20% Cross org national 16% 17% 28% Cross org national;Industry partner 0% 0% 4% Cross org national;Student 0% 0% 8% Cross org national;Uni partner 0% 4% 4% Cross sector 2% 1% 0% Individual 11% 4% 0% International 23% 9% 8% Interprofessional 0% 3% 0% Within own org 36% 37% 24% Within own org; Student 0% 1% 4% Table 10: Professional learning collaboration by level The average duration of professional learning across all levels was 11.6 months. When broken into the levels of proficiency, those at the more advanced leadership levels had a longer duration and sustained professional learning experience. Within leadership levels professional learning averages at 19 months compared to an average of 6 months at knowledge awareness levels. (see figure 5) This aligns to existing research that advocates for sustained long term professional learning models, 16 as often change happens over time rather than in a transformational manner. 17 18 19 . 13 Kim, J., Pak, S. and Cho, Y.H., 2021. The role of teachers' social networks in ICT-based instruction. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher , pp.1-10. 14 Cangialosi, N., Odoardi, C., Peña-Jimenez, M. and Antino, M., 2023. Diversity of social ties and employee innovation: the importance of informal learning and reciprocity. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones , 39 (2), pp.65-74. 15 Konstantinidou, E. and Scherer, R., 2022. Teaching with technology: A large-scale, international, and multilevel study of the roles of teacher and school characteristics. Computers & Education , 179 , p.104424. 16 Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M.E. and Gardner, M., 2017. Effective teacher professional development. Learning policy institute . 17 Prestridge, S., 2017. Examining the shaping of teachers’ pedagogical orientation for the use of technology. Technology, Pedagogy and Education , 26 (4), pp.367-381. 18 Nespor, J., 1987. The role of beliefs in the practice of teaching. Journal of curriculum studies , 19 (4), pp.317-328. 19 Becker, H.J. and Riel, M.M., 2000. Teacher Professional Engagement and Constructivist-Compatible Computer Use. Teaching, Learning, and Computing: 1998 National Survey. Report# 7.