Work Package 3 Literature Review

reflect and learn from such may no longer engage in change practices. 21 22 23 (Gess et al, 2005). Furthermore, depending on their context change if change takes place it may occur at different levels, ranging from individual up to the inter-organisational level 24 (Fullan, 2016). Furthermore, change takes time and despite theories of innovation transformation rarely takes place overnight. A shift in beliefs, culture and attitudes needs time for reflection, engagement with practice and dialog, aligning to the findings of the integrated review. 6. Recommendations for pedagogical model Based on the integrated literature review the below recommendations are made for the IDEAL future pedagogical model.  Professional learning should be sustained and supported over time . Raising awareness of this at the outset amongst participants and leaders is critical as well as the importance of patience  Participants must be encouraged to determine goal s for their experience over time and revisit these  Professional learning should be non-linear and iterative providing opportunities for participants to revisit concepts, attitudes and beliefs, it is recommended that formal learning and reflection are included at every level of professional learning to encourage this. Furthermore, learners should be provided with a choice of activities rather than a prescriptive pedagogical pathway  Participants should be encouraged to apply learning to practice at each stage – either by being provided with resources and asking them to try them out and reflect on the impact or adapt or create resources based on their learning and again examine the impact.  Participants should be encouraged and supported to observe their progress , particularly within a sustained and long-term professional learning model to enable them to realise their success.  For pre-service teachers’ professional learning in digital learning and education should extend beyond three-month modules and be integrated across programmes 21 Ajzen, I., 1991. The theory of planned behaviour. Organizational behaviour and human decision processes , 50 (2), pp.179- 211 22 Hall, G.E., 1974. The Concerns-Based Adoption Model: A Developmental Conceptualization of the Adoption Process Within Educational Institutions. 23 Clarke, D. and Hollingsworth, H., 2002. Elaborating a model of teacher professional growth. Teaching and teacher education , 18 (8), pp.947-967. 24 Pettersson, F., 2021. Understanding digitalization and educational change in school by means of activity theory and the levels of learning concept. Education and Information Technologies , 26 (1), pp.187-204.