Work Package 3 Literature Review

“Training” OR “Trainers” “Continuing professional development” OR “Learning and performance” OR “Training and development” OR “Learning and development” OR “Digital Pedagogy” OR “Digital leadership” OR “Digital Skills” OR “ICT Skills” Table 3 Composition of search strings 3.4. Screening, analysis and reporting The team screened, analysed and reported through four phases, initial screening, quality review and second screen, data extraction, and analysis and reporting. 3.4.1 Phase 1: Initial screening The research team used the below inclusion and exclusion criteria when screening abstracts for consideration within the systematic literature review. The screening criteria are based on terms, type of studies, sampling, rigor (see table 4 for screening criteria) Inclusion Exclusion Terms: IMPACT/EFFECT study explores impact/effect of professional development models in a rigorous manner. -There are details about advancement during professional development? There are elements of explanation of the impact and change . - Context and socio-technical environment is considered There is an empirical evaluation of the professional learning Rigor Recommendations or discussions are not evidence based Rigor: Not a peer reviewed journal article Terms: Study Does not measure impact/effect of the proposed intervention in a rigorous manner. Terms: MODE/CHARACTERISTICS of professional learning studies At least one of them: - The type of Professional Learning - The characteristics of the Professional Learning - A description of the Professional Learning environnent - The means / tools used (type of platform, media or other) Terms: Study does not include details of the characteristics of professional learning