IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

15 learning). Informal learning provides contextualised learning opportunities. The interplay between formal and informal learning, and internal and external knowledge increases the body of knowledge within the educational organisation. In addition, informal learning provides opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange leading to a culture of learning and collaboration. 4.3 Professional learning: Desired experiences When asked to describe their ideal desired professional learning experiences, participants again described a broad range of type of professional learning with a variety of characteristics. In terms of types of professional learning interviewees described the mode as well as types such as situated learning, peer learning, communities of practice, mentoring/coaching, problem based and independent learning. Regarding the characteristics of professional learning participants described experiences that were Practical, Dialogical/Collaborative, inclusive. Interesting the timing of professional learning formed a part of the discussion. 4.3.1 Types of learning Figure 8: Preferred type of professional learning (select all relevant) Those in the interviews spoke about different types of learning they would like to engage in. They favoured the more collaborative and contextual types of learning in which they were engaged with one or more people. Mode Situated learning Peer learning Community of practice Mentor/Coach Problem based Independent Table 2: Types of learning desired as expressed by participants They spoke about the mode with the majority having preference for some face-to-face element to their desired learning experience. Obviously, the face to face is a lot better because you're actually meeting people and you're bouncing ideas off people. It doesn't have to be all face to face a mix. Maybe face to face is 2 days a month, and some days online. (IE P5) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Formal workshops Peer learning and discussion Practice sharing Team teaching Observing another teacher using technology School or study visits Work based learning informal conversations with other… Mentoring Collaborative projects Coaching informal conversations with technology… Recorded content informal conversations with others… Recorded content supported by… Peer observation