IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

17 sections of the lesson. So, we've talked through, and I've planned it with them. Then they do a great job. (IE P27) Peer learning was also described quite extensively, methods ranging from peer observation, peer learning and collaboration were threaded through this narrative. With peer observation I think you can learn so much from it, even if it's not in your own subject, you can just take ideas. Try them and if they don't work, they don't work, but then you're like ohh well, it's in my pile of ideas or stuff. Maybe with a different class at might work whereas. (IE P15) So, all straight away you're observing, and people are observing you. You'll learn that way. Like. (IE P20) Again, there was more interest in engaging in peer observation teachers from other schools and contexts rather than their own. So, an outside teacher would have taught classes using digital learning tech and maybe three or four teachers observe a lesson with a debrief session for teachers after. (IE P25) However, in the survey participants were interested in in school collaboration see figure 10. This also aligns to the findings of the integrated literature review which point to the fact that many of those engaging in professional learning do so within their own school context. However, those with wider external networks are more likely to be innovative. Figure 10: Preferred collaborators Interestingly in the interviews, there was significant interest in collaborating again with those from other schools and interviewers spoke quite positively about this mode of professional learning. I suppose, collaboration with other schools and other digital leaders to see what's going on out there and what can I use. And a lot of like work experience basically for digital leaders would be fantastic (IE P2) hearing maybe what is happening in a different school and how it's working, and you know they would come to me then and say can we try this or that and I would definitely always say please do like if you if we think this will work, we'll try this. (IE P27) The lack of interest in collaborating with colleagues and those locally was noted in the narrative and again relates to the earlier section on challenges with regard to collaborative culture in the area of education. This is inherent in not only primary and post primary but also third level. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Other educators or educational leaders in my school Other educators or educational leaders in my locality Other educators or educational leaders Nationally Students Other educators or educational leaders Internationally Educational technology companies Alone Parents of students Policy makers