IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

18 Principals or rural leaders, often much prefer to help the school above in the middle of Donegal and collaborate that way, then actually collaborate with your neighbours. Which is interesting. (IE P14) They saw the benefits of cross institutional. Conversations around practice and you know, that's why it works quite well. So, I think, yeah, I think there would be fantastic because I do think sometimes in schools as well, they are much more willing to talk about their practice with people from another school than perhaps their colleague. (IE P30) Referring to collaboration within schools several participants spoke of more informal collaborations such as drop ins or teach meets to share ideas. However, these collaborations seemed to be more technocentric than teaching and did not involve observation or meaningful collaboration. They were more about sharing technological knowledge. Opportunity just to drop in like a drop-in clinic maybe for half an hour there during lunch break, whatever they come in and check in and ask questions. (IE P16) So, like at every staff meeting, a staff member is picked that has to give a presentation on like an app or a program that they use in their class and like teaches the other class teachers how to use it and what they use it for. (IE P24) In the survey participants were asked to describe how they would work with others in their professional learning. IN total there were 236 open ended responses and 1, 867 words. Respondents described collaborating on joint projects/problems with others either nationally or internationally. Creating small trial projects within which digital strategies/digital solutions/novelties could be tested in lessons. (survey comment) Learning together creating projects together with colleagues and students (survey comment) As part of a project. In a team! (survey comment) Establish a network of practitioners to work together on the project. It could be part of an Erasmus project or just a collaboration of professionals. (survey comment) We have a very committed staff, who are always willing to help each other learn any new approaches that they have found effective or help each other troubleshoot when difficulties arise. This I feel that working on a project together would help us develop our skills and our vision for digital learning (survey comment) In addition, time was mentioned quite a bit in the comments and participants wanted regular workshops in particular practice sharing sessions or opportunities to share experiences. I think that sharing practices and seeing how we function in the department but also internationally would allow us to develop new skills (survey comment) Working group and group of trainers. In physical meetings, each sharing their experience and pooling what usually works with our students (survey comment) Experience exchange They would provide training Those who have learned and are working would show practice (survey comment) In addition, participants wanted to see learning in practice and expressed interest in visits to other schools and observations of practice. Mutually sharing experiences or listening to their experience stories observing classes participating in their courses. (survey comment) visiting training lectures practical classes where the use of technology is taught (survey comment)