IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

19 Initially they would provide a workshop to give background and to teach some of the basics. This would be followed up with school visits to see it all in action followed by another face-to-face workshop to see what questions have come up and to plan for the next steps. (survey comment) Participants also favoured the Community of practice model of professional learning, however the types of learning and structured varied from informal discussions to formal practices to being more embedded in the wider school culture and a part of the whole school ethos. “These communities would provide a space for knowledge exchange, joint reflection and the creation of innovative solutions.” (Sp P2) Establish a network to collaborate with regional schools and teachers, allowing them to share experiences, knowledge, materials, and support, while promoting open communication. Additionally, create a centralized technology hub for schools to exchange resources. To ensure success, the community must adopt a more open and responsible approach to shared technology, with clear rules for its use and maintenance (LV, in-service teacher, 6 years). I would do if I was to go back in the morning, I set up a community of practice around us. If you had like communities of practice within the school and you had people like reflect on where they are at… and they would attend share advice that way and supports those that way. (P16) I suppose, a community of practice development where you know, there's a practice that there's a suppose an environment in a culture, in the school that people are willing to share, practice. (P25) The impact of these on change, transformation and digital learning is unclear however it may be a basis to develop relationships and trust in schools with a view to progressing to a more collaborative culture. This was noted in the comments of the survey also. See below. An educational community should be created where educators' educational leaders and policymakers can establish communication and share learning to develop a collaborative educational community in the field of digital transformation (survey comment) Participants also mentioned mentoring and coaching either directly or indirectly. Mentoring and coaching terms were both used in different contexts. They mentioned the importance of the coach or the mentor remaining in the role of teacher or educator so they can provide more support and be up to date on proactive based issues. As part of the courses, each teacher would have a mentor who would come to observe the lessons, how they manage to implement what they learned in the courses and use digital technologies, help and provide feedback, not just to tell the information in the courses and then leaving everything up to the teacher himself (LV, in-service teacher, 4 years). You're given, we'll say. Another principle. You know, you were kind of a mentor, mentee, kind of a system (IE P14) The ideal scenario I think that should be usually have a coach in an area. So, say someone with experience. And they are two days in the classroom/ school and 3 days out on the road, going around to different schools and just helping them out. Like that's the ideal version of it, like and the reason I'm saying you're still two days in the classroom, but you're still keeping that practical side of your knowledge, you know. (IE P18) Others described mentoring without referring to it directly. They described the need for individualised tailored support whereby another person could act as a sounding board, facilitator or one who questions and encourages you to reflect. I do think professional development where there's continuous check in and like if you were to be doing like let's try out. Here's ideas of how you're going to teach maths in the classroom. Go and try this out next week with your class. Come back next week. Tell us what worked. What didn't work? Did you try