IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

22 very quickly, you have to realise you definitely aren't just the one person, it's it. It is working with the team of experts that are. And you, I would say as a learner, you have to, I suppose work with someone (IE P4) Clusters were cited as being a successful way to engage in collaborative learning, some of these have already been established such as that of the small school initiative or the Enterprise and Training boards. I think that it would need to be on whole school level and perhaps in clusters because again, you learn more from other people. (IE P22) The XXX cluster Leaders group has been brilliant for that because like they are brilliant to send out any new information …. and then you're more likely to engage with it because you're getting something back from them. And even any of the cluster days we've had online. (IE P2) Within the theme of collaboration, the concept of reciprocity and mutual benefit was discussed. Without this it is difficult to sustain successful collaboration. Group works, creating mutual cooperation, would be an opportunity as feedback to each other (LV, pre-service teacher). And is that mutual benefit something that evolved, one says, or it was an established, also very important. (IE P25) It's bidirectional, it works both ways and but unfortunately, I don't think it's to the fore of a teacher's mind, but that's my own opinion (IE P27) In addition, interviewees spoke of the need to have different perspectives involved in professional learning provision. Including guest speakers, industry, and smaller more democratic learning opportunities so everyone can share practice. In an ideal world, ……. Learning focused on innovation. There would be school collaborations with universities, innovation centres, researchers, various laboratories, and companies that keep up with the latest research and can bring this knowledge to school. (LV In-service teacher with 3 years of experience) guest speakers talking about any developments and being that year or and they'd have people come in and talk (IE P2) Smaller groups where everybody's sharing what works or big mistake you made, Learning based on it like that's how you change, that's how you improve and you know somebody else have done something worse than you anyway, and you know, they are honest with you. (IE P23) Those in leadership positions spoke about the need to have interdisciplinary approaches to professional learning to provide opportunities for participants in professional learning to engage with a variety of expertise and perspectives. In general, collaboration with digital tools and collaboration with other subjects would be great. If there were all kinds of platforms or digital devices, materials that we could transfer from one hour to another. Digital tools promote critical thinking, use of resources and critical perception of resources, and this would be useful in any subject. Teachers would also cooperate much more successfully, instead of each sitting in their own classroom (LV, in-service teacher, 5 years). sometimes the speech and language therapist will record how to use the device and sends the class feature, and we'll sit down with them and with the special needs assistant present and we go through that and refer to the relevant professional learning with other groups (IE P16) industry involvement and that is the dream like I suppose it just. Being able to create like I suppose creating a lab that has all the technology has everything, everything but that you have experts coming in on a regular basis to kind of show you what's new in technology, what's happening now and then