IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

24 “I would participate in customized training programs designed to develop my technological, pedagogical and leadership skills in the specific context of digital transformation. And I would like those programs to provide me with opportunities for hands-on learning, collaboration with experts, and continuous feedback. I would also like to have mentoring and coaching.” (Sp P2) In professional development, she would like to gain not only knowledge, but general confidence in the use of technology in the learning process, which, the student believes, can only be obtained by trying and acting practically during training (LV, pre-service teacher). But the idea of something being very hands on and physical and you'd go, and you'd get so many resources to bring back to your own class (IE P5) But doing the practical like it's something I think anything to do with like computers and you have to do it. It's not enough just to watch it, but you actually have to practise and do it (IE P7) Interviewees spoke about the need to not just be provided with examples but to see good practice. It is most interesting to learn from professionals in the field, experts who teach what they actually practice on a daily basis (LV, in-service teacher, 3 years). Are you going to show you what it could look like or what a digital lesson can look like? Nobody has ever shown anyone of us what to do like (IE P23) The modelling of good practice in delivering professional learning as seen as an ideal way of supporting this. Its absolute modelling like you know and improve skills like we don't use those words like, yeah. We try keeping informed and then modelling too. They need both. (IE P26 ) Within the interviews, time was also referred to a lot, particularly the length of time of professional learning or the period for which professional learning was offered. Interviewees felt dedicated blocks over a continual period was the best way of providing professional learning. This provided educators and educational leaders with the knowledge, resources, and expertise to apply something in their practice and to return and reflect on it over time. Many had experiences of engaging in dedicated blocks of professional learning and found it quite effective, this ranged from in school, weekend, or summer blocks of professional learning. This was also found in the integrated literature review whereby formal dedicated blocks were adopted. Summer course that time was when he really kind of opened, opened my eyes to the diversity of things within professional learning as well. So, I did it. Definitely impacted it, made my teaching a lot more interesting for myself. (IE P14) Is brilliant in that the association for PE teachers now and they hold a conference every year kind of around end of September, I think that's something that would be huge if there was a say like a version for digital. If like an annual conference that people, whether you were digitally in school or you have an interest in digital learning that you could sign up to go to this weekend (IE P2) So, I would like to see maybe half day closures where somebody might come in to you was returned again into your four weeks to see what you have done and how you have managed with it. (IE P22) In addition, people spoke about the need for learning to be continual and over time to enable people to implement change and reflect on practice, in addition this embeds the perspective within the sector that change is not just a once off, it is revised constantly revised and adapted helping. In an ideal world, there would be a specific time for professional development during working hours - once a week or twice a month.