IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

27 In some cases, people actually referred to the UDL model of inclusion and the need to model this within professional learning for teachers. Regarding attention to diversity, we understand that there are people who have specific educational needs, which is why the use of technology is very interesting. The universal learning design takes advantage of technology to perfectly contextualize and adapt to the needs of each person so that they can advance at their own pace and with the content that best suits what they need.” (Sp P33) So, like that universal design learning model like you know what I mean, so like so say like you have a video on a thing, you can also have an article on it like, you know what I mean? So, you're not giving them 100 choices, you're just giving them nice one or two choices like, but it is that like that? The plus one I suppose modelled there is probably the best one. (IE P18) The last characteristic sub theme that emerged was that of exploration and the need to give those participating in professional learning opportunities to experience technology themselves, rather than telling them about technology. It was felt that this characteristic would enable them to understand the potential of technology and give them more confidence to try it in practice. “I think that immersive experiences or virtual reality will be included much more, that is, a very active practice that involves the exploration of different environments and makes students participate in different interactive educational experiences.” (Sp P1) There are various opportunities to learn, so the content of the courses and also their leaders should be critically evaluated. Often, the courses tell general information, but the desire is to learn in depth various technologies that can be useful in everyday work, at school (LV, in-service teacher, 6 years). You know you're not telling them that works and you're giving them a chance to experience. (IE P18) think though like getting a chance to try things out is always the best kind of thing in, …., I think like the stuff that I was able to actually do myself is the stuff I remembered and was able to kind of do more of. (IE P24) actually, explore with technology (IE P2) 4.3.3 Recognition of learning Interestingly the recognition of learning was not something that was discussed as part of the interviews, when speaking about desired experiences for professional learning, it was more descriptive with regards to the learning environment, collaboration and skills acquired. This is mirrored in the survey where only 27% of respondents expressed an interest in formal accreditation. Most had preference for a certificate of completion (33%) or career progression (34%) (see figure 11). This indicates the need for professional learning to have multiple ways of recognising learning, for some it may be simply a certificate upon engaging in learning activities for others seeking accreditation it will require some means of assessing learning to award credits or a programme award. A variety of modes of recognition would be valued depending on the level of work involved and the time commitment. (survey comment) Considering the need for career progression relating professional learning more closely with opportunities for promotion is key.