IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

29 preference for a hybrid of online and face to face learning. In addition, collaboration formed a significant part of the narrative of many of the discussions. Although participants described collaborations between schools and organisations beyond their own local area, within the survey they expressed preference for more localised collaborations. In the literature it was cited that those with a larger social learning network were more likely to be innovative 4 , interestingly those at knowledge awareness and leadership levels were more likely to collaborate outside of their own organisations. Widening one's social learning network at the knowledge awareness stage could broaden their experiences and support participants to understand practices beyond their immediate context and so may be beneficial, a critical consideration for the pedagogical model. At leadership level to influence systematic change, collaboration at all levels is required. Whereas within the knowledge deepening there is more localised collaboration as it is about adapting practice and measuring impact within one's own context prior to broadening to systematic change. Regarding collaboration types of collaboration participants described discussion, communities of practice, school visits and practice sharing. The literature again cited similar learning activities at different levels, for example discussion and practice sharing was common in knowledge awareness whereas communities of practice were more prevalent in knowledge deepening. Within the interviews participants mentioned various characteristics of professional learning, one of the most frequent characteristics was the need for professional learning to be practical. Enabling the participants to try out, apply or adapt learning. Again, this was a common theme within the ILR; with try-out sessions being popular at knowledge awareness level, practical application of learning at both knowledge awareness and deepening and creating or co-design 5 activities at knowledge deepening. Other types of professional learning described were projects, problem based or inquiry-based collaboration. Which were also implied the need for professional learning to be exploratory and experimental. Again, this was ubiquitous within the ILR particularly at knowledge deepening levels and leadership. Although the descriptions of projects were nuanced in the literature, with more design focused projects described within knowledge deepening and research or evidence-based projects at leadership levels. Furthermore, in the ILR it was evident leadership levels were more likely to collaborate with students and external partners on projects. Interviewees portrayed the importance of the time characteristic in professional learning particular the need for dedicated blocks and continual professional learning over time. This was significant in the integrated literature review (ILR) not only in the analysis but within the overall discussion of the theoretical frames and the importance of time as a factor to support change and innovation. In addition, the importance of professional learning in developing confidence was illustrated in the 4 4 Kim, J., Pak, S. and Cho, Y.H., 2021. The role of teachers' social networks in ICT-based instruction. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher , pp.1-10. 4 Cangialosi, N., Odoardi, C., Peña-Jimenez, M. and Antino, M., 2023. Diversity of social ties and employee innovation: the importance of informal learning and reciprocity. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones , 39 (2), pp.65-74. 4 Konstantinidou, E. and Scherer, R., 2022. Teaching with technology: A large-scale, international, and multilevel study of the roles of teacher and school characteristics. Computers & Education , 179 , p.104424. 5 In the context of the integrated literature review Co design can be between teachers or with students, can be adapting or creating something together/collaboratively Create is to develop, adapt or redevelop alone