IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

30 narratives which alludes to the need to broaden competency frameworks to consider transversal skills. The recognition of professional learning did not feature within the interviews or ILR, this is reinforced in the surveys where formal accreditation was not deemed as necessary for professional learning. Lastly the interviews pointed to the need for inclusive professional learning that catered for a variety of levels of proficiency and learning preferences. This illustrates the complexity of professional learning that aligns to the theories of change and its non-linear nature within the ILR. 6 Providing flexible, multilevel approaches to professional learning is therefore critical within the pedagogical model. 6 Proposed Pedagogical model 6.1 Overview of the pedagogical model The IDEAL Future pedagogical model is outlined in figure 12. Based on the ILR, surveys and interviews it sets out a multi-level, continuous, competency focused approach to sustained professional learning for educators and educational leaders. At the centre of the pedagogical model is the various actors in professional learning; which can be an individual, or participants who collaborate either with those in their organisation or across organisations (education, industry or interdisciplinary. This structure is derived from theories of learning culture which advocate for learning to take place at multiple levels including interorganisational so they are not restricted or bound by internal knowledge, inter-organisational facilitates the flow of new knowledge into the organisation 7 . This is reinforced by within the ILR, interviews and surveys when participants described the various collaborators they envisage in their ideal professional learning environment identified. Associated with each actor are professional learning activities that support the actors to engage in critical learning, or dialog with the self or others inside or outside their organisation. 6 Sansom, D.W., 2020. Investigating processes of change in beliefs and practice following professional development: multiple change models among in-service teachers in China. Professional development in education, 46(3), pp.467-481. 7 Tam, S. and Gray, D.E., 2016. Organisational learning and the organisational life cycle: the differential aspects of an integrated relationship in SMEs. European Journal of Training and Development .