IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

33 6.2 Learning pathways and examples It is recommended to balance autonomy and flexibility that each pedagogical pathway provides a choice of learning activities. It is proposed that for each competency and proficiency level approx. 4- 6 learning activities are provided for participants and participants choose to complete three of these to achieve recognition (as per table 5). These pathways have been developed because of an analysis of 1,971 peer reviewed articles as part of a systematic literature search and an integrated and thematic analysis of these and a survey of over 500 teachers. Awareness Deepening Leadership Individual Goal setting Goal setting Goal setting 11 Formal 12 Formal content Formal content Reflection 13 Reflection Reflection Resources/examples to try in practice Create Video examples of digital teaching in practice Experiment Try out sessions Adapt practice Apply to practice Scenarios Scenarios Video own practice Organisational Co design Metacognition Projects 14 Student voice Lesson study Projects Evidence gathering Observation Communities 15 Communities Peer review Mentor/Coach Discuss Modelling Observe Mentor/Coach Share 16 Inter organisational Reflection Co design Vison Check in sessions Projects Research projects Evaluate examples Lesson study Evidence Discuss Communities Communities Social media Peer review Discuss Peer review Discuss Observe Observe Observe Modelling Visits Mentor/Coach Deliver professional learning Share Share Share Communities Disseminate Piloting Table 5: Suggested learning activities by level of proficiency 11 Competency based frameworks can guide this through self-reported questions or reflection 12 Formal content can be pre-recorded/self-directed/face to face/live sessions 13 Reflection can be individual or collaborative 14 Projects can be design based, problem based or inquiry based 15 Communities can be communities of inquiry, practice or learning 16 Share can be sharing experiences, resources/practice