IDEAL FUTURE Work Package 3 Pedagogical Model

9 For the purposes of professional learning competency frameworks can be used in several ways. • Measurement – for determining an individual’s digital competency and identifying opportunities for enhancement or improvement, balancing autonomy, and structure. • Self-reflection – at individual level that provides opportunities to consider what competences they may require to plan professional learning. • Professional learning design – to determine areas and levels of proficiency to focus on for designing professional learning. • Assessment/Certification – to certify someone for employment or provide opportunities for assessment. • Determine progress- enable participants to measure their progress along a continuum or proficiency level. Most competency frameworks have associated measurement tools to facilitate planning. One of the main tools used in schools is the SELFIE tool developed by the European commission. It is mapped to the Digi Comp and Dig Comp Edu framework. A study conducted by Cabero-Almenara et al, 2020 highlighted that the DigCompEdu was the most reliable competency framework followed by the Common Spanish Framework of Digital Competence for Teachers of the “Spanish Institute of Educational Technology and Teacher Training” (INTEF). Therefore, the pedagogical model proposed will make recommendations to which adapt this framework to meet the needs identified in the IDEAL future project. 3 Methodology 3.1 Research Design This work package adopted an exploratory sequential mixed methods research design to develop an evidence based pedagogical model that empathises with the needs of educators and educational leaders. Qualitative narrative interviews facilitated a deeper understanding of professional learning experiences, current and desired of potential teacher academy participants, this enabled the partners to empathise and understand the overall experience desired. The Quantitative survey enabled the partners to understand the scale of the needs to assist the rigorous development of a pedagogical model. The integrated literature review (IRL) is available as a separate report but will be referred to within the pedagogical model enable the researchers to ensure that it leverages evidence-based models. Significant research has already been conducted on professional development within the teaching profession, so it is important to consolidate and build on this in the context of supporting transformation and transformative learning. Consequently, the research team felt that adopting a mixed methods approach that consolidates and criticises existing literature, understands experiences in professional learning and conducts a quantitative analysis of the professional learning needs of educators and educational leaders will provide a representative view of the current and future status to enable the development of a pedagogical model. Therefore, the following data collection approaches were used : • Integrated literature review on transformative approaches to professional development using digital technologies. (see Professional learning approaches that support digital transformation, enable change or impact practice: An integrated review ).