IDEAL Results

1st Work Package

This work package ensures that the project meets its objectives, as outlined in the proposal, and is implemented within the planned budget and schedule. It ensures open and transparent communication between the partners for the effective achievement of the project objectives.


Project management and co-ordination

This work package is related to the overall management of the project, including the development of strategic plans, financial management, time management, project reporting (interim and final reports), attendance at partner meetings, quality review of project results and attendance at committee meetings.


  • To ensure that the project is delivered on time and within budget through continuous monitoring.
  • To ensure that the project team meets the project objectives and stakeholder needs.
  • Monitor and provide means to mitigate project risks.
  • Ensure effective communication, collaboration and decision making within the partnership, in line with the needs of all stakeholders.

Main activities

In this work package, we focus on the management of the project itself - financial, impact, sustainability and quality. For this, we have different activities that we carry out on a regular basis to ensure the best performance in the project. 

Monthly online meetings

Every month, at least one representative of each partner organisation meets online to evaluate the development of the project, to set the lines of work and to establish dates for the activities. 

Steering group

The composition of this group ensures and supports the management of the project and the review of the quality of the results developed in the work packages. This group is composed of representatives of the partner organisations. 

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