Mary Immaculate College (Ireland)
MIC is a multi-campus institution with a student population of 5,000 students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The Faculty of Education is one of the main providers of Initial Teacher Education and pre-serviced teachers across all sectors including Early Years, Primary and Post Primary. In Ireland. In addition the Faculty offer over 12 Postgraduate programme to Inservice teachers one in the area of Digital Leadership in Education and others in the area of educational leadership, wellbeing, STEM, Global Citizenship.
MIC prides itself on its strategic ambition to build a flourishing learning community by fostering the intellectual, spiritual, personal and professional development of students within a supportive and challenging environment. It seeks to make a unique and significant educational, social and cultural contribution to all aspects of society through the development of a high-quality student experience, embedded in opportunities for students to engage with international learning and research communities.

The IDEAL Future project provides opportunities for the college to engage in international learning, teaching and research by providing possibilities for students and faculty to engage in inquiry that enables them to work with partners into how to lead innovation across the educational community. This inquiry will enable the college community to explore the role of education in a digital era and how we can address the emerging challenges educators and educational leaders face in this context.