IDEAL-Future Brochure 2

We have created the second IDEAL project brochure as part of our project dissemination activities.
We have created the second IDEAL project brochure as part of our project dissemination activities.
From November 26th to 28th, the Erasmus+ Project IDEAL held its first in-person workshop in Rennes.
The project aims to empower educators in early years, primary, and post-primary sectors to lead innovative practices and drive transformative change in digital education.
The IDEAL future team is delighted to launch the IDEAL Future challenge based scenarios. These challenges developed by Ciara Ní Dhrisceoil and Patrick Hickey from Limerick and Clare Enterprise and Training Board will be used to support professional learning in the project.
Using these challenges participants in the IDEAL Future teacher academy will work on cross cultural and interdisciplinary solutions to address the common challenges educators and educational leaders face with regard to digital learning across the sector.
Challenges range from balancing technology integration with traditional learning, reducing over-reliance on technology, technical support, lack of trust with technology, integrating technology into the curriculum and many many more…..see our youtube channel for some of these challenges.
You can already take a look at some of our results, developed within the work packages.
Visit our website and find out what we have been working on over the last year.
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We are inviting educators and educational leaders from across Europe to engage in a short survey to understand your preferences.